In the Bible as the inspired Word of God.
As a church, we profess the Bible to be the infallibly inspired, powerful, practical and God breathed Word. We seek to foster growth by using the Bible as our compass, guiding us through every season of life and ultimately leading us to Jesus, who is the Word made flesh.
In God, the Creator, who has revealed Himself in the Persona of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
As a church, we're growing in our unity, commitment, and love for one another - reflecting God who has eternally existed in loving fellowship.
In the Divinity and sinless Humanity of Jesus Christ, and in His miraculous ministry, His suffering and death on the Cross as the only Saviour for the sins of the world, and His resurrection from the dead.
As a church, we seek to live empowered to seek another's highest good and genuinely love as we follow the example set by Jesus.
That Jesus will return to the earth as its final Judge of the living and the dead.
As a church, we seek to live as apprentices to the way and life of Jesus. In that way, we taste in part what will one day be fulfilled when God makes all things new.
That all people fall short of God's perfect standard and can only find forgiveness through faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ.
As a church, we revolve around the transformative love and grace of God. As people who have been shown mercy, we endeavour to show mercy to those in our community.
That all people who have put their faith in Jesus Christ will witness a transformation in their lives, exemplified by repentance and holiness of conduct.
As a church, we encourage one another to rely on the Holy Spirit's work within us. It brings Him joy to transform us into the likeness of Jesus.
In Christian Baptism, by full immersion in water, of those who have personally placed their faith in Jesus Christ.
As a church, we joyfully celebrate new life through the symbolic and profound act of baptism, which is filled with joy and excitement.
In regularly celebrating the Lord's Supper, remembering Jesus Christ's saving work.
As a church, we share communion weekly and deeply value the opportunity to affirm and reflect on the atoning and redemptive work of Jesus' blood.
In the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, with the normal initial evidence of speaking in unknown languages.
As a church, we value the person of the Holy Spirit and encourage every believer to live a life receptive and responsive to His edifying, encouraging and empowering voice.
In the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit.
As a church, we fully expect God to display His character in visible, tangible and powerful ways. Each of us are uniquely called and gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve, enrich and bless others.
That God heals the sick today through active faith in His grace.
As a church, we teach and declare that every believer has access to complete healing based on God's compassion and mercy and the finished work on the cross.
In the power of prayer.
As a church, we pursue a life that engages in prayer for one another, our community and our neighbours that ultimately fosters a deeper connection with God.
In God's community of believers, the church and its responsibility to spread the message of the Gospel to all people and nations.
As a church, we seek to encourage every believer to be actively involved in fulfilling God's mission with purpose, grace, courage and unity.